Friday, April 12, 2013

What is hot press printing ?

A heat press is a machine engineered to imprint a design or graphic on a substrate, such as a t-shirt, with the application of heat and pressure for a preset period of time. While heat presses are often used to apply designs to fabrics, they can also be used to imprint designs on mugs, plates, jigsaw puzzles, and other products.

Both manual and automatic heat presses are widely available. A new style of press that is semi-automatic has entered the market as well, allowing for a manual closing process with an automatic opening. Digital technology in newer machines enables precise control of heat and pressure levels and timing. The most common types of heat press employ a flat platen to apply heat and pressure to the substrate. In the "clam shell" design, the upper heat element in the press opens like a clam shell, while in the "swing-away" design, the heat platen swings away from the lower platen. Another design type a "draw style press" allows for the bottom platen to be pulled out like a drawer away from the heat for preparation of the graphic. Vacuum presses utilise air pressure to provide the necessary force and can achieve high psi ratings.

How To Use A Heat Press To Print Shirts:

1. first make your design in illustrator or paint, then flip it so that the writing and picture is backwards

2. print it out(make shure your transfer sheet is inkject or lazer) and use the right printer for the paper

3. now cut out your design(as close to the edge of the design you can get

4. now turn your press on, To turn it on there is usually a red or green button/switch, put the heat at 187 C, and wait for it to heat up (keep lid down)

5. when its hot, open the lid, place a silicone sheet(or a peice of parchment paper) down on the press mat, now place your shirt down, and place another peice of parchment, put the lid down a press for 5 seconds

6. put the lid up and take off the top layer of parchment, lay your design down(design facing toward fabric), and place parchment paper over, put lid down and press for 25 to 30 seconds

7. then remove lid, and parchment, the pull the design off(from the left hand corner slowly to the right)

8. now turn off your press(only if pressing one shirt), take tshirt and hang over a chair, design facing the chair to cool

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